Introduce Yourself
Our campuses give you access to a wealth of academic resources, an active social community, space to reflect in nature and the Rocky Mountains, and connections to professional opportunities in Denver. 亲密的校园环境与舒适的居住空间相匹配,意味着MG线上电子游戏拥有一切——使它不仅是一个学习的好地方, but also to live.
Already admitted to DU? 点击下面的按钮,探索为我们的录取学生特别设计的访问计划:
Admitted Student Visits
Campus Visit (In-Person)
我们坚信参观校园是了解一所学校的最好方式. 本科招生每周一到周五提供校园参观. 其中包括与招生代表进行60分钟的信息交流, followed by a 90-minute campus tour with a current DU student.
额外的校园预约,视情况而定. You can make selections during your visit registration.
Explore DU
如果你对更深入的校园参观体验感兴趣, 探索杜计划是一个机会,让你直接与来自不同专业的学生接触.
探索DU会议将于今年夏天上午9:00至下午12:00举行. The events will consist of a 45-minute info session, a student panel, followed by a 90-minute tour of campus.
Virtual Information Sessions
During our virtual information sessions, DU Admission representative will discuss academics, MG线上电子游戏、申请和经济援助流程. 你也会认识一些现在的学生,了解他们的经历和观点.
Group Visits (In-Person)
We offer special visit sessions for groups of up to 40 people. These are excellent opportunities for high schools, 社区学院和教育机构在我们的招生和咨询人员的支持下,向他们的学生传授大学MG线上电子游戏和计划.
Counselor Visit
如果你是高中辅导员或高等教育顾问, you're welcome to sign up for a visit to DU! Campus visits last for 2.5 hours total, 其中包括与一名招生代表进行60分钟的信息介绍,然后与一名DU在校生进行90分钟的校园参观. 您将了解从申请时间表到我们出色的出国留学计划的所有内容.
Self-Guided Campus Tour (In-Person)
If you're visiting the Denver area, 欢迎您通过我们的自助游探索杜的迷人场地和周围社区. 这段全面的校园音频之旅是由一名在读杜学生讲述的.
Virtual Campus Tour
Get to know the campus from the comfort of your own home! Explore a 360-degree virtual tour at your leisure. 导游将通过在线研讨会向您展示杜,并提供进入建筑物的独家通道(包括新的宿舍楼和带中央餐厅的社区公共场所),同时分享他们的学生经历.
Chat with your Admission Counselor (Virtual)
Are you a prospective First-Year, 对申请MG线上电子游戏有疑问的国际学生或转学生? We look forward to speaking with you one-on-one!
Helpful Webinars
当你继续探索成为新MG线上电子游戏学生的可能性时,有很多事情需要学习和考虑. Below, 我们链接了一些视频播放列表,其中包含了我们最受欢迎和最受欢迎的网络研讨会录音,以便您可以在学习DU方面有一个良好的开端! In addition, watch Direct from DU, our livestream campus tour!
如果您有兴趣深入了解DU的所有内容, Friday@DU计划是一个获得内幕消息的机会. Friday@DU是一个半天的项目,其中包括一个信息环节, current student panel, campus tour, lunch (on us!), resource fair, and an optional small group appointment.
Stay tuned for future event annoucements.
Twilight Tours (offered in English & Spanish)
MG线上电子游戏的“暮光之旅”将从下午5:30到7:30持续,包括一个半小时的招生顾问咨询会.5 hour student-led campus tour. 游览的亮点包括教学楼、餐厅和体育设施.
El Tour Crepúsculo en español de DU durarar de 5:30 - 7:30 PM由consistitir en una sesión informativa de 30分钟con conjero de admission由unrecorrido por El campus de 90分钟dirigido p学生. Los aspectos más destacados del recorrido包括ediicios academios, un comedor e instalaciones deportivas.
请继续关注未来的事件公告(est atentos和furos anuncios de eventos).).
Additional Details
Directions & Logistics
找到去校园的路,安排酒店,了解交通选择. We'll tell you what to expect for your visit, what to bring, and suggest what to do while you're in Denver.
Find Your Way
Graduate Students
如果你考虑以研究生的身份加入我们或者你已经被录取了, we hope you'll take the time to visit our campus. 因为我们的校园旅游是面向本科生的, most of the information may not be directly relevant to you. 但这仍然是一个探索校园和了解周围环境的好机会.
Register for a Tour
Meet DU closer to home.
我们的辅导员喜欢与来自全国各地和世界各地的未来学生见面. 了解我们接下来将参加哪些面对面和虚拟活动.
DU on the Road