Our students make up the heart of DU's campus, collaborating with faculty, 员工和彼此确保他们有一个社区,反映和尊重他们的多样性. They enjoy access to meals that meet all their dietary needs, as well as health and academic support that allows them to flourish. 坐落在一个充满活力的住宅区,可以访问所有丹佛所提供的, 你将同时体验到紧密结合的文理学院和大城市大学的好处.
我们的餐厅提供使用当地和可持续的食材从零开始制作的饭菜, covering cuisines from Mediterranean to Chinese. 丰富的素食,素食和过敏友好的选择,确保每个人都有足够的选择.
食物选择离校园仅几步之遥,从披萨到泰国和黎巴嫩, and with the rest of the city a bicycle or train ride away, 你将有机会领略丹佛日益丰富多样的文化景观. Whether your tastes run toward taco trucks or tasting menus, thrift stores or boutiques, museums or mosh pits, Denver offers excitement and inspiration.
我们学生的热情和参与使我们的社区真正与众不同. From the moment you're welcomed to campus, you'll contribute your thoughts and your voice, 开辟一条道路,帮助引领我们充满活力和多样化的社区走向未来. We look forward to you joining us.
Campus Features
Classic Beauty
Our buildings date back as far as the 1890s, with construction from the 1930s, 20世纪50年代和21世纪初,所有的网格创造了一个华丽而统一的校园.
Modern Design
Environmental Commitment
We reduced our carbon footprint by 27 percent between 2006 and 2015, even as campus square footage grew by 9 percent.
Green Room Certification for a Sustainable Campus
Housing & Dining
一年级和二年级的学生住在校园里,并有他们头两年的饮食计划. It's one of the most memorable parts of the DU experience. More than a place to sleep, 学生宿舍为与来自世界各地的学生发展友谊和建立社区提供了完美的环境.
社区建设经常发生在我们的食堂和各种零售餐饮选择的用餐时间. With a commitment to responsible sourcing, scratch cooking and dietary sensitivity, we provide food that's not just delicious, 但这考虑到了学生个人和地球的健康. 我们的厨师会很乐意与任何学生讨论他们的饮食需求, 确保在学生到达校园之前解决任何问题.
We're centrally located in the city of Denver, 步行或骑自行车即可轻松到达其丰富多彩的热闹社区. 优质的公共交通使探索城市的其他地方变得轻而易举. Some students also choose to bring their cars to campus.
Public Transportation
丹佛市拥有完善的公共交通系统,将杜顿大学与整个城市连接起来. 最重要的是轻轨,它在校园附近有一个站点. The light rail offers easy access to destinations all over Denver, from downtown to the airport and suburbs. Plus, 城市广泛的公交系统覆盖了整个丹佛,并提供远至博尔德的选择, Colorado Springs and Fort Collins.
Bicycling & Walking
DU's neighborhood is perfectly suited for walking and biking. 附近各种各样的资源意味着你可以在离校园不远的地方找到你需要的东西. We also have a thriving bike-share program and supporting services, including student bike mechanics, bike fix stations and even showers for bicycle commuters.
Cars on Campus
对于那些选择自己开车的人,校园里有停车位. 如果你不带你的车,但想使用车辆偶尔使用, we have several car share options, some offering discounts for students. We also have options to set up carpools with other students.
身体和心理健康问题会影响学生的大学生活. 我们通过我们的健康和咨询中心提供身心健康服务来解决这个问题. 该中心提供综合和包容性的医疗保健,使学生能够最大限度地发挥他们在杜的机会. Health and Counseling Center services are available to all students.
Medical services offered by the Health & Counseling Center include:
Routine care
Urgent care
Travel health
Women's health
We provide counseling to help students cope with many issues, including depression, substance abuse, grief and academic motivation
The 154,000平方英尺的安德森学术公地是我们主要图书馆的所在地,也是我们学术支持服务的总部. 学术公地拥有近八英里的图书馆馆藏,并提供对数百个数据库的访问. With plentiful group study rooms, computers and the Front Porch Café, Anderson serves as the center of our academic life.